Friday, May 10, 2013

Friday Transportation Tips: Try the Park & Walk

As the Transit Coalition continues to advocate for multi-modal transportation alternatives within the Inland Empire, the fact remains that residents in several regions are totally dependent on the car. This means driving an automobile is necessary to get from one point to the other in a timely manner. The Coalition hopes to change this.

However, one can currently get a little bit of ridesharing in for many car trips through the "Park & Walk" model. Thanks to ADA regulations, many newer shopping centers, schools, and employment hubs have pathways and marked crossings that link the establishment with the public sidewalk. This makes parking offsite and walking to the destination more practical. Remember, ridesharing is defined as a means to travel other than driving solo in a car.

Here's how it works: Suppose a parent picks up a child from school. Instead of driving into the school campus and battling traffic, the parent parks into a pre-determined parking area or on the street about 300-400 yards offsite and walks the remaining distance to the school. After picking up the child and walking back to the car, the parent can drive off without having to deal with the school traffic.

Park and walk campaigns are a quick and easy way to not only bypass, but reduce traffic congestion around schools and shopping centers and encourage physical activity. Give it a try.

  • Get a small taste of ridesharing for the last quarter-mile of your trip, even in the most car-oriented regions.
  • Encourages physical activity.
  • Reduces traffic congestion at schools and shopping center parking lots.

  • Be vigilant of the surroundings.
  • Identify where you're parking and the safe walking routes between the parking area and your destination.
  • If you're using a parking lot and plan on walking off the property, be sure that parking is not restricted. 
  • This model can be challenging in very dense areas such as Downtown Riverside, San Bernardino, or college/university campuses where street parking is limited and heavily regulated. As an alternative, park a few miles offsite and ride a connecting bus route into these areas.

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